HABA Kullerbu Jump into Car Dominos #1, 2, $35 (121000217) Due 9/25/2024

You can't do much better than the quality of a wooden ball track set from HABA. And this one features dominos!

Watch as the Bret Boomer jumps into the car and races off on the track. Kids will want to watch the trick over and over again.

Ages 2 - 6, 2 points, 15 pieces

Includes: 1 mechanics lift/ball drop section, 1 starting block, 1 curved ramp, 1 exit ramp, 1 column, 3 connectors, 1 red ball-convertible, 1 Bert Boomer, 5 dominoes

Love it: buy at Doodlehopper in Falls Church 

Lose it: $35